Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday's Training Time

Over the last few days, our family has been battling a stomach virus.  Finally today we all woke up feeling better.  PRAISE GOD!!! 

I wanted to post over the weekend, but just didn't get there.  I am sorry.  Today I want to talk about grace.  The definition of grace we will be talking about is "A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve."  As we parent, we find ourselves constantly trying to teach our children character and morals.  They are in a training period of their lives.  They are learning how to display these character qualities.  While there is a time and a place where we must discipline them for wrong behavior and choices, there is also a need to give them grace when they fail, just as Christ gives us on a daily basis. 

If we want our children to understand the concept of grace and mercy that is mentioned in the Bible we must show them by examples in their daily lives.  When you child fails, first explain to them what they did was wrong and they deserve to be disciplined, but instead of punishing them, show them the concept of grace and mercy.  Get the Bible out and explain to them how Christ shows us grace and how he showed us his grace by dying on the cross for our sins.  He took our punishment for us.  He gave us a reprieve. 

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