Monday, August 12, 2013

I have decided to start a blog for our Facebook page.  I will be able to write articles and share more of our families stories with you.  I believe parenting is the most important job we have here on earth.  Our children are blessings from God and we need to remember that as we parent them and train them to be godly men and women.  I am excited to share many things with you so we can learn from one another.  I want to encourage you along this journey we call parenting.  I am far from a perfect and I need God's grace on a daily basis, but I think sharing our experiences with one another can be uplifting and inspirational.  We can see that we are not alone!


  1. Betty! Sooooo looking forward for your articles! I love to learn new things to teach my children a godly character so I know I will enjoy your blog =)

  2. Thank you Edurne :) I am excited to share with you all. :)
