Strong family relationships do not just happen. They take time, commitment, prayer, and very hard work.
"True education begins in the home, the place where missionary work should begin. Every family should rear its altar of prayer, realizing that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If any person in the world needs the strength and encouragement that religion gives, it is those who are responsible for the education and training of children. They cannot do their work in a manner acceptable to God while their daily example teaches those who look to them for guidance that they can live without God. If they educate their children to live for this life only, they will make no preparation for eternity. They will die as they have lived, without God, and parents will be called to account for the loss of their souls. Fathers, mothers, you need to seek God morning and evening at the family altar, that you may learn how to teach your children wisely, tenderly, lovingly.(The Review and Herald, June 27, 1899)
If ever there was a time when every house should be a house of prayer, it is now. Infidelity and skepticism prevail. Iniquity abounds. Corruption flows in the vital currents of the soul, and rebellion against God breaks out in the life. Enslaved by sin, the moral powers are under the tyranny of Satan. The soul is made the sport of his temptations; and unless some mighty arm is stretched out to rescue him, man goes where the arch rebel leads the way. And yet, in this time of fearful peril, some who profess to be Christians have no family worship. They do not honor God in the home; they do not teach their children to love and fear Him. " As we rise up in the morning our thoughts should be upon Christ. Morning worship need not be as long as evening unless if time permits. Though it is important for each member to spend a few minutes on devotion or quite time with God before the day starts. Make it a point to begin your day as a family in prayer before you separate as a family then each carry on with your day’s duties. As we retire to bed it is also important to close the day in prayer. Before beginning your worship make sure there are no distractions (phones, radio, television etc. should be switched off) Have all the resources you are going to need ready. Pick a place either kitchen table, dining table, sitting/lounge area etc. It is very important to talk through any problems and ask for forgiveness from any family member that we might have wronged, also to ask God to forgive us from our sins. Consistency and order is the key. Family worship should not be just done, but well prepared or at least follow a format adding variety here and there to make it interesting especially if you have little ones involve them as well. Be careful not to do the same thing every day as this can make the worship dry. "From time to time let the service be varied. Questions may be asked on the portion of scripture reading, and a few earnest, timely remarks may be made.” For beginners to family worship, reading a passage from the bible ,bible story etc. praying then singing (Read, Pray, Sing format) can be followed adding variety as you get used to gathering together for worship as time goes on. Also make it straight to the point and allocate time for each, keep it short and sweet. It works best either following a theme for the week or topic for the day or whatever suits you best. Allocate time preferably an early hour of the evening, when every member of the family is still alert before bedtime. It is essential to have fixed times for worship. The time chosen should not be neglected even when they are guests around. “Family worship should not be governed by circumstance in our efforts for the comfort and happiness of guests, let us not overlook our obligations to God. The hour of prayer should not be neglected for any consideration.” Prayer, pg. 189. Family worship should not be limited to evening and mornings only. If time allows especially with the little ones, time can be spent outdoors in nature learning from Gods creation, go for walks look at beautiful plants, animals etc. let the children pick objects and learn what the bible says about your finds, or even take them home and make up some objective lessons as a family from them. There are so many different ways to worship as a family below is a non-exhaustive list of some ideas to add : *Make slide pictures of each family member then each take turns to recount family blessings *Choose a family ministry together and decide how you are going to use it to bless others e.g. hospital visitations, going to help others in the community on nominated dates/days etc. (should be something you will do together as a family) *Have a question and answer day when all members of the family can help each other on any issue they need help in etc. A family that pray together stays together. Be blessed This article was written by: Joyce Dube Mufudza
Joyce Dube Mufudza, Novice writer. Passionate about Christ and preparing for his second coming. Happily Married to Casper Mufudza & A mum of one little boy (aged 5).Currently working as a mental health and behavioral professional and based in the U.K.
I am a part time homeschooler praying to be full time in the future God willing.
In my spare time i love doing a bit of D.I.Y,reading,cooking,baking and travelling.
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I am a part time homeschooler praying to be full time in the future God willing.
In my spare time i love doing a bit of D.I.Y,reading,cooking,baking and travelling.
Hope you will stop by at